

Iphone and moble photography teacher.  Award winning, gallery exhibited iPhone photographer teaching beginning, intermediate phone/mobile photographer.  iPhone photography made easy.  Learn how to use your phone to take great photographs made simple.  Beginners learn to use the tools of the iPhone.  Learn lighting, composition, framing using the iPhone.  iPhone photography for beginners. iPhone photographer for intermediate and advanced.  Learn to create memorable photographs with your iPhone.

Storytelling for intermediate and advanced phone or mobile photographers.

Create art with your iPhone.

Photograph your family and children with your iPhone.

Learn iPhone photography while having fun.  Learn iPhone photography without the worry from a professional photographer.

learn how to take photographs and store your photos with your iPhone.

Advanced photography challenging yourself with your iPhone as a camera. Storytelling,  improving iPhone camera and photography skills made simple.



Students will learn basic skills using the iPhone camera as well as training the eye to see from a photographic point of view. 

Syllabus focuses on composition, framing, lighting, and technical aspects of the iPhone camera (filters, editing, contrast, cropping and storage), as well as training the eye to see  from a more artistic/photographic perspective by looking at successful photo images shot on the iPhone.

There will be weekly assignments, as well as constructive discussions/critiques.

The class is  6 sessions at 2 hours each, in an intimate setting (an apartment) with between 5 and 10 people per class. 


Storytelling: working on a series of photographs that convey a narrative, producing a series of six cohesive images, using the iPhone. 

Syllabus focuses on techniques of  both figurative and literal storytelling  using lighting, composition, framing, color versus b&w,  filters for mood,  imagery and narrative.

The class is 10 sessions for 2 hours each in an intimate setting( 5-10 students in an apartment).

Intermediate/ Advanced

Personal diary: an intimate, courageous and provocative portrayal/study of one's life by means of self exploration with or without a self image, using the iPhone.

Syllabus includes the provocative and intimate exploration of what makes each of us unique through self discovery.  We will study both figurative and literal storytelling  through the use of lighting, composition,  color vs b&w, framing and imagery.  We will be looking at and documenting intimate moments and details of  our everyday life, through use of the iPhone.

The class is 9 sessions for 2 hours each in an intimate setting. 


For inquiries please email Beth Caron at